onsdag den 23. maj 2012

Prove your logic skills with Brain Cells

Intelligent? Prove it in this fast, fun, and nerve-racking real time multiplayer and single player logic skill game. Match your rating against your friends' and other opponents' - just like chess ratings.

✫Simple and fast gameplay✫
Two or three players take turns to get at least 5 cells in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row. The player who is first to get 5 in a row wins. The game is also known as Gomoku, Gobang or Five in a Row. If the game is a three-player game, the remaining two players keep playing until a second player gets five cells in a row. Each player only has 45 seconds to move, so a game takes no more than 2:15 minutes. If your time runs out, you lose to the remaining players.

✫Adaptive single player mode✫
When you play against the CPU it adapts it's difficulty to your skill level. If you continuously win it will become harder to beat. If you loose it will become easier to beat. The single-player mode only supports two-player games - hope I will get a release out soon supporting three-player games.

✫Real time multiplayer✫
You can play against the CPU or other players online. If three players are ready to play at the same time, a three-player game is started. If only two are ready, a two-player game is started.

✫Skills only✫
No way to cheat with helper apps and stuff like that. You maintain your personal rating between games. When you win, your rating goes up. When you lose, your rating goes down. How much your rating goes up or down depends on the difference between your and your opponents' ratings. If you quit the game before it ends, your rating goes down as if you lost to remaining opponents. The best players get the higher ratings. Period. 

✫Tweet your current rating✫

✫Cool retro style graphics & sound fx✫

✫Game center enabled✫
Brain Cells works on Apple's Game Center - you don't have to sign up for some other account. Compare your highest rating against others' on the Game Center Leaderboard.

✫It's free!✫
Brain Cells is free - forever. Maybe I'll throw in an option to pay for skipping ads. Let me know if you want that.

✫Suggestions and feedback
Give me your suggestions for improving the game and feedback in a tweet @braincellsapp.

Screen shots

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